One of the first things we did in our Self-Esteem theme was a "Self-Esteem Quilt". I think I have a picture of the whole thing somewhere, but we just made squares and tied the corners together, so I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like. First, we went around the room and everyone said one thing that they really liked about themself, something that made them special. A few of my favorites were: "I like machines", "I'm good at drawing rainbows" and "my code word" (though I'm not sure what that one meant). We clarified that it could be something about your appearance, or something that you were good at or anything about yourself that you liked. We ended up with a lot of appearance or clothing based ones anyway, but I still really enjoyed what everyone thought was special about themselves.
Another favorite from our self-esteem theme was silly collages based on the book "I Like Myself" by Karen Beaumont. We read the book a few times, and had a lot of fun with our collages.

My silly portrait.
We did watercolors based on "Stripes" by David Shannon. Unfortunately, about 90% of our paintings stuck to the wooden boards we painted them on (which doesn't usually happen, so I don't know why it did with these. My only guess is that it's because we used our scratch & sniff watercolors).
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